What is a Motor Accident Claim?

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in NSW, you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries. This compensation is usually paid by the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer. A motor accident claim, which is also referred to as a CTP claim, may seek to recover your financial losses such as treatment expenses and wage loss. E Lee Lawyers handles claims for motor accidents compensation in Burwood.

The CTP insurer may pay compensation in motor accidents such as:


What Can I Claim Under Motor Accident Compensation?

The CTP scheme in NSW has changed in recent years. This means that what can be claimed under motor accident compensation varies depending on whether the accident occurred before or after 1 December 2017.

If the motor accident occurred in NSW on or after 1 December 2017, then depending on the nature of your injuries and how the accident occurred, you may be able to claim:

E Lee Lawyers can advise on what can be claimed for a particular case. We can also advise on the likely value of each claim.

What Does the Motor Accident Claim Process Look Like?

A claim should initially be lodged with the relevant CTP insurer, but if any disputes arise, the claim may then have to be lodged in the Personal Injury Commission or in Court. Time limits will usually apply, so it is important to lodge on time and to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident, who can advise on the time limits that may apply in your particular case.

E Lee Lawyers can assist with the lodging motor accident claims, and with representation in the Personal Injury Commission or in Court. We can also assist with any settlement negotiations that may occur with the CTP insurer.

In order for your motor accident claim to be successful, there also needs to be evidence to support your claim. This may include evidence on how the accident occurred, who was at fault, and the nature of your injuries.

E Lee Lawyers can help with gathering the evidence needed for motor accident claims. We can also analyse and advise on the evidence, including any other evidence provided by the motor accident insurer.

Contact E Lee Lawyers

E Lee Lawyers handles claims for motor accidents compensation in Burwood. If you have been injured in a motor accident in NSW, please call us or reach out via our contact page for a confidential discussion.